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Tiger'sGoldRush| news| Products continue to be launched with new foreign investment and public offerings to accelerate the layout of the Chinese market

recentTiger'sGoldRush, foreign public offerings have made efforts to deploy China's equity market. Since April, Schroeder Funds, Fidelity Funds, and BlackRock Funds have all begun to issue new equity-based products. Lianbo Fund announced in early April that its first product was officially established, with a fundraising scale of approximately 500 million yuan. In addition, Allianz Fund was also recently approved to open business. In the eyes of many foreign-funded institutions, the valuation of A-shares is currently in the bottom region. With the recent release,Tiger'sGoldRushThe macroeconomic data of 2000 has strengthened expectations for fundamental improvement, and the market will usher in more investment opportunities. (Shanghai Stock Exchange)

Tiger'sGoldRush| news| Products continue to be launched with new foreign investment and public offerings to accelerate the layout of the Chinese market

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